Coverage Map

Use the map to search for coverage in your area.

How it works

1. Check for coverage

2. Choose your services

3. Fill the application form

4. Wait for our response

Don’t see fibre in your neighbourhood? Show interest in the fibre roll-out in your area to get added to our database. We’ll provide you with project updates and important information.

Order today!

Order Form Coverage Map

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Please use the map above to pin point your location co-ordinates

LAZER will send you periodical communication on any news and offers that might be of your interest. You can at any moment unsubscribe from our marketing list, either through our newsletter or by e-mail: Please find more details on our Privacy Policy here.

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How to get started

  • 01

    Show interest

    We install fibre in selected neighbourhoods in partnership with the community. Show your interest to bring fibre to your neighbourhood and encourage your neighbours to do the same. Once enough interest is shown, your neighbourhood will be prioritised for the rollout of our fibre internet.

  • 02

    Neighbourhood qualification

    With enough residents’ interest, your area will qualify for the construction of the network. If you have enquired with us, you will receive an email letting you know that your neighbourhood has qualified, as well as receive regular construction updates and important information about the fibre roll-out.

  • 03

    Network deployment

    It’s time to start the construction phase. We will determine the best method to roll out fibre in each area – either aerial infrastructure or buried infrastructure. We’ll ensure that fibre is provisioned to every home in the area via network poles or grey utility boxes placed on boundary walls.

  • 04

    Fibre ready

    Once the construction phase is complete, we float the fibre into the ducts that we have put in the ground or string the fibre overhead in an aerial network. Once this is complete, we test the fibre to make sure the network is of the highest standard. After these checks are done, your area will be declared fibre-ready.

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    Once your area is fibre-ready, you can book an installation into your home and experience the future of the internet with Lazer Telecom.

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    We’re available to help you 24/7. If you ever have any fibre-related issues, please do not hesitate to contact us via phone or email.
